
FIIS offers The American Curricula which are based on CCSS Common Core State Standards, which provide a common set of guidelines for teaching English, Language...

Academic Program


FIIS offers The American Curricula which are based on CCSS Common Core State Standards, which provide a common set of guidelines for teaching English, Language Arts, Math, History & Geography, and NGSS Next-Generation Science Standards. All standards are aligned with best teaching-learning practices. That makes it easier for teachers to tailor their lessons and meet the needs of each student.

Areas of Learning


At the kindergarten stages of early childhood, FIIS school offers a curriculum in order to ensure children’s competence and success as they move on to the next stage. It also allows children to absorb a wide range of knowledge and skills that lay the right foundation for their future progress in school and life as well. We are aware that all children learn but at different rates and capacities, therefore, our standards cover both the educational and nurturing aspects for all children in early childhood. We are keen to build positive relations with all children to make learning their choice. Surely, that will help children learn self-esteem and independence.

The area of learning in kindergarten stage includes:

Teaching and Learning Guidelines


Our program focuses on teaching content through inquiry-based learning. Teachers will ask students key questions before delivering any content that require critical thinking. This way will drive their learning and build connections between their real-life experiences and the knowledge they gain from their education. This approach encourages students to think critically and develop a deeper understanding of the material.

We promote a balanced range of teaching between individual and grouping strategies to give opportunities for self-learning and group-working in the class. Our teachers are trained to produce efficient educational material and encouraged to apply innovative teaching techniques. We also encourage students to take responsibility for their own learning through blended learning. In blended learning, teachers facilitate varieties of teaching resources including digital one for learning and provide a sequence of tasks which designed to guide learning for students. In the classes, teachers will involve students in activities to show off their learning like presentations and practice some exercises.

Project-Based Learning

Project-based learning is an educational approach that facilitate learning through the completion of a project or series of projects. All subjects are supported by planned projects at the end of learning blocks such as units and a group of chapters.

It involves students working collaboratively to explore and solve a problem or create products. Project-based learning is designed to promote critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and creativity, as well as provide an opportunity for students to develop their communication and teamwork skills. In project-based learning, the teacher acts as a facilitator, guiding students through the process of inquiry and discovery, while providing feedback and support along the way. At the end of each project students will present their results in a reflective way.

Technology and learning

We ensured that we provided rich, diverse and flexible learning opportunities for a generation of who are growing up in a digital world. Using technology in our classrooms become very essential and can help them for more engaging in their learning. We believe that by more providing them with opportunities to use technology, the more they become motivated and interested in achieving their goals. We provide the school community with LMS learning management system to support students’ development and let parents easily follow their children.



Testing is not the best way to evaluate our students. We use assessment for students’ learning. The purpose of assessment students is to give them opportunities to demonstrate their learning such as group and individual assignments, observation, performance and presentations. Students are assessed on their procedural and conceptual understanding of each standard. Assessment provides teachers, students, parents, and administrators with constructive feedback to improve our teaching and learning as well. We use a variety of assessment strategies with students to monitor student progress and guide future planning and better practice.

Students-Led Conferences

At schools we used to have Parents’ teachers conference as an essential way to communicate about students’ academic progress. we decided to take a new method to do so by students-led conference. It is a great opportunity not only to communicate progress, but also to give students the opportunity to personally demonstrate their progress to their parents. , students will present  the knowledge and skills they have acquired during a term from different subjects.


Homework is given daily or sometimes weekly. The purpose of homework is to emphasis the concepts students have learned in class, practice their skills, challenge their thinking, and prepare them for the next station of learning.

Homework takes anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours, depending on the age group. All homework must be completed and submitted on time. Additionally, students are responsible for taking steps towards long-term projects. We encourage parents to get involved in their children’s projects to provide support and guidance and strengthen their relationships.


FIIS support students with a wide-range of co-curricular activities that help them to develop and make the most of their potential. These activities are customized to use inquiry-based learning and world-class learning strategies.

Co-Curricular Activities

Teachers provide curricular activities regularly in all subjects that are part of the curriculum of a school. These activities are usually related to the subject matter being taught in the classroom and are designed to help students to be more engaged and enrich their experience during learn. They are good opportunity to apply the material they have been taught and connect it with real life application. Examples of curricular activities include field trips, ...

Talent program

The Talent Time Program is an integral part of school life. Talent time is planned for the end of the week. Talent Programs allow students to learn more about their talents, build knowledge and develop skills in their passion so they can confidently start their careers at a very early age.

During this time, instead of grouping students by grades, they are divided into different areas according to their interests. Teachers will help students discover their talents and guide them to the right area.

The program usually begins with an application call where the student fills out with a parents’ assistant to decide where they would like to join in the Talent Time. Teachers will always be watching students to guide them to the right program.

Talent Time programs include:

  1. Sports (Swimming, Aikido, Handball, Football, Basketball, Gymnastics, Etc.)
  2. (Drawing, photography, Etc.).
  3. Science and Environment Club.
  4. Technology (Robotics) and Programming.
  5. Drama.
  6. Press and Media.
  7. Vocational Study (Home Economics, Maintenance, Etc.).