School Day

Out Working days are Monday through Friday, with weekends on Saturday and Sunday. The academic year runs from the beginning of April to the middle of his March and consists of four quarters. At the end of each quarter there is a progress test with subsequent reports. In addition, there are full-days exams and reports at the end of each quarter.

The daily structure is tailored to the specific needs of the student and designed according to age and learning stage. All classes duration is 40min for all stages.  The school day starts with a 15min morning assembly for the elementary and secondary students then a 20 minutes circle time. Attendance at morning meetings is mandatory for all students and teachers.

School Time Table

Every Friday, students have an extra hour for the talent time.

Morning Arrival

Students must not arrive at school before 7:30AM, as there is no staff supervision before this time.


All students are expected to leave the school grounds by 3:00 pm, so parents should be at the discharge gate by 2:45 pm. Students who are not picked up between 2:40pm and 3:00pm will be moved to the Extended care Area. If a parent is late after 3:15pm, the student will wait with the security guard.

Early Dismissal

If an early release is requested, the parent must notify the school at least one day in advance so that the student can be released in a timely manner. Parents must sign an early dismissal form at the school reception.

If a parent assign a driver to pick up or drop off a student, they must ensure that the driver has a student ID card. The parent must complete and sign the driver’s form and attach a copy of the driver’s license.


Daily Attendance and Absence

  • Students are expected to attend regularly and on time each day, as regular attendance is essential to the successful completion of the academic year. Student attendance is checked daily during the second session. Parents cannot excuse their children from doing quizzes, tests, or homework on time.
  • Reasonable absences are only permitted for health reasons or family emergencies. Parents must contact the school before 9:00 am any day which the student will be absent so, homework and class assignments will be sent home on that day.
  • If a student is absent for more than one consecutive day, a written statement from the parent or guardian is required to justify the reason for the absence.
  • In case of sickness absence, parents must provide a medical certificate justifying sick leave and the above absence notice.

Tardiness Policy

  • Punctuality demonstrates respect for the rules by which our schools are built. Being late not only affects late students but disrupts the entire learning process for their peers.
  • If a student is late, they should go to the floor supervisor to explain the reason for their tardiness. Records of delays will be kept by the Student Affairs Office. Students can enroll in classes after submitting late arrival forms. Parents are responsible for materials missed due to being late for class.
  • If there is a second delay, the school will call the parent and warn them. For the third time, the student will be subject to a penalty.