
We believe that maintaining effective communication channels between the school and parents is critical factor to student success.

School Calendar

The school calendar includes appointments for meetings, school trips, holidays and school events. All event details will be published on the school website.

Weekly Plan

Classwork, homework, required resources and due dates for assignments are set in a weekly schedule that is sent in advance to parents of elementary and middle school students. This plan covers all subjects and makes it easy for parents to track their child's performance. If unforeseen circumstances require changes during the week, a notification will be sent to parents informing them of such changes.

Parents – Teachers’ Conferences

Parents-teachers’ meetings will be held to discuss student progress or lack thereof. This is important to identify learning gaps and develop plans to improve student learning. The dates of Parent-teacher meetings will be announced in the school calendar.

Parent Visits

Parents can call the PCD and make an appointment with their child's teacher to discuss any concerns. If an urgently and unscheduled teacher meeting takes place, it will take place when the teacher is free and has no pre-scheduled tasks at that time. It is not allowed to interrupt classes for any reason. During parent visits, students may be excused from the class if necessary but will not leave with the parent until the end of school.

Parent Visits

Parents can call the PCD and make an appointment with their child's teacher to discuss any concerns. If an urgently and unscheduled teacher meeting takes place, it will take place when the teacher is free and has no pre-scheduled tasks at that time. It is not allowed to interrupt classes for any reason. During parent visits, students may be excused from the class if necessary but will not leave with the parent until the end of school.